Sunday, August 30, 2015

Where Have I Been and What Has Been Happening


7 months
It has been a busy 1 1/2 years.  Since the last post (in 2014) we have welcomed our first grandchild and are now expecting our second.  We get the honor of babysitting two days a week.  My husband and I are exhausted at the end of the second day.
                 Getting old is NOT for "Wimps". 

Chloe's Blanket by Auroaknit
Haven't completed much knitting this year.  Three pair of socks and three baby blankets.  I have made a much needed promise to myself to complete some of my WIPs this year.  Of course, that doesn't stop me from buying more yarn, patterns, and needles to start more projects.  

Happy Feet
(Generic pattern)

Socks of Sprinkles
(Generic pattern)
Generic Sock Knitting is a wonderful mindless relaxing thing to do while watching TV.  For the most part you are just knitting in circles.  Now. don't get me wrong socks CAN be difficult especially with an intricate pattern.

We are heading to Washington state to visit my sister for my birthday.   Then my husband and I are heading up to Canada before we go on a cruise.  I intend to spend some time in Vancouver and Victoria looking for yarn.  Why wouldn't I?  Canada stocks some yarns that are hard to get in the US.  This makes for a good excuse to head North to Canada.
 I have great hope that this year will bring more knitting time.